Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A new begining ....

We are going to try and keep this website updated with all the important information about Angelique and how much she is growing up. I cannot believe that it has been a full year now since she joined our family. I will try and keep current pictures posted for everyone! Especially since we are such a picture happy family. There are so many different pictures to chose from!

Recently Angelique has learned to climb the stairs at the house. It has become a fun game of climbing to the top to see if anyone is coming after her, then trying to teach her that she needs to turn around to come back down! What a chore that is! She insists that Head First is the ONLY way to make it back down the stairs!

Now she has not started to talk so much yet, at least not in words that we can really understand, she yells loud (a good set of lungs from the start) and likes to make the silliest sounds and funniest faces to let us know what she is thinking. If only we could really understand what she was saying! I am sure we would be getting a real ear full.

I hope that you all enjoy this website and that I can keep it up to date for you all.