Monday, May 7, 2007

Playing With Bubbles & Learning to Walk!

Over one of the weekends that Phil and Amanda came down to help work on the sprinkler system, we thought it might be fun to buy a bubble blowing machine! Angelique just loved to watch all of the bubbles falling around her. She had a great time popping the bubbles and then wanting to figure out how to make more bubbles appear! Once she learned how to get the purple cow to work she did a great job making her own bubbles.

By the next weekend (the last weekend of April going into May) Our little Monkey surprised us all and took off running. There is NO stopping this girl now. She is a walking machine! We are so proud of her and this great accomplishment. She walks all over the house and through the stores now. It is so amazing how she picked it up and just has gotten so far with it. She has mastered bending over and picking up toys around her and then she just keeps going! Here are a few more pictures of her roaming around the house and even outside helping her Daddy move dirt for the new lawn that we are putting in the backyard to go with our new sprinkler system.