Saturday, April 7, 2007

Ace Ventura Pet Detective!

Angelique spent the day with her Aunt Nicole and her Daddy and look at what happened to her hair! It was in piggy tails when Mommy left for work that morning and somehow through the course of the day the rubber bands sprung loose and what we had left was what looks like "Ace Ventura Pet Detective" wanna be! As long as the munchkin is happy that is all anyone can ask for right. It seems as if all is well in our world these days. Serge is healthy again and he and Angelique are having a great time playing together. Serge helped Angelique try on some shoes that she felt she just had to get on her feet to see what they were all about. What do you all think? Of her new style? It didn't last long. Angelique is definitely NOT a shoe or sock type of girl! She seems to live for free piggy toes! Hey who can blame her right? Other news to tell .... Angelique has braved her first few steps. The most we have seen out of her thus far is 3 big steps and then straight to her bottom once she realizes what she is doing. She just doesn't seem to be interested in the whole idea of walking. I can't blame her though, she is a super cruiser on her hands and knees. WOW!! can she crawl fast!